Aku rasa sebak bila tengok. Sebab OMG its been 8 months plus plus since our marriage and dah nak beranak pon, so bila tengok balik video tu, I was like hmmm... I feel like crying.
I seriously miss those moments. I missed my wedding dayssss. Rasa macam reunion pon ada time tu. Reunion sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah, matrix, UM dan kawan merata-rata yang aku kenal secara rambang tapi cool dan best. Gosshhh!! Those days were seriously the days I can tell. Rindu :')
And I went to see my gynae yesterday. According to her, (maybe) I'll be delivering our little one in 2 weeks time bebeh!!! Aaaaa tak lama dah... Nak pulak tgh layan wed vid ni. Memang layan abes ah. Macam kena je untuk layan perasaan kan. Sobs! Haha
The file is too big for me to upload. But I would love to share those moments with you peeps especially those yg hadir on my wedding days. Yes dayS sebab ada 3 hari berturut-turut. Hehehe
Anyhoots, aku mendoakan semoga mereka yang menjayakan wedding aku dan suami last year diberkati dan dimurahkan rezeki olehNya. You guys were awesome!! Allah je dapat balas :')
Sambil layan wedding video, sambil lipat baju baby. Memang bercinta la kan. Esok pon konfem tak siap lipat. Miaahahah.
But to tell you the truth, serious feeling abes. Bye.
Layan perasaan,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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