I Am AJ The Mommy

I Am AJ The Mommy

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pesanan Bapa Allahyarham Adik Faris

Pesanan daripada ayah kepada Allahyarham Faris Nur Daniel buat semua ibu bapa...

Buat kawan-kawan semua.... Antara perkara yang kita boleh jadikan pengajaran dari kisah Allahyarham Faris Nur Daniel...

1. Bila anak merengek bangun malam, janganlah marah dia. Jangan merungut kenapalah kena bangun malammmmm.. mengantuk.. etc... That might be the last night that he/she does that.

2. Bila anak mintak mainan atau sesuatu kalau mampu, kita cubalah berikan. That might be the last night that he/she ask for something.

3. Bila anak nak susu, berikan dgn penuh kasih sayang... That might be the last day that he/she drinks it. Sama ada susu ibu atau susu formula, dua dua sama je. Pemberian dari ibu/ayah kpd anak.

4. Bila anak buas dan nakal, sabarlah. That might be the last day that we can see him/her being active.

5. Bila suapkan anak makan, suaplah dgn penuh kasih sayang... That might be the last food that he/she eats.

Tak sabar nak balik rumah peluk Damia!!

Honestly, the moment I read about this young boy from Amira's blog, my eyes almost burst into tears. I couldn't imagine if it would happen to my baby. I don't think I can be as strong as his mother.

I have donated some amount to the father's account. Not that much. But I hope, it helps. Because I know, be it a private or public hospital, the hospitalization bill nowadays is such a nightmare. The insurance coverage doesn't really help at all, sometimes.

So peeps! All of us can help them in any possible way right. Thus, if you wish to help the father, you may donate some money to his Maybank Acc: 1140-1115-2218 (Shamrulismawi Ismail).

I hope kita dapat meringankan beban pada bahu ibu bapa kepada arwah adik Faris Nur Daniel. Al-fatihah

Yours truly,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

1 comment:

EYDA said...

Sob..Sob.. so sedih la AJ.
Aku pun rase nak balik peluk Adam juga sekarang. :'(