I Am AJ The Mommy

I Am AJ The Mommy

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The GK Juniors

I was married with my Hubster on October 2010. Jika dilihat dari segi angka tahun rather than angka jumlah bulan perkahwinan, it has been 2 years. Ye lah. 2012 minus 2010, bukankah 2 tahun jawapannya. No?

I still remember the wedding day itself. Ye lah. Siapa yang mampu melupakan majlis yang paling bermakna dalam diri memasing kan. Unless if that person memang dah tanak ingat kisah silam, memang dia akan lupakan. Hohoho

So presenting... The GK Seniors!

GK stands for Geng Kebun. Sounds silly yet classic. We got that name by the owner of the Kebun itself, Puan Faridah Hanum who stayed in the UK few years back. So whenever she came back to her own country which is Malaysia Tanah Tumpah Darahku, she'd call up each of us to have small reunions at her Kebun. Sebab normally, Farid balik time musim doyan woi doyan.

So inilah "Tuan Kebun" nya. She was married with a British guy named, Daniel Saville. It's still fresh in my mind the moment that right after she touched down in KL from UK, then she straight away went to Kuantan with the rest of the girls who had been waiting for her arrival, only to attend my big day!! It was super sweet babe!

And guess what? She had just gave birth to her 1st baby last December. Homai babe. When I look back at the picture above, I can't believe you are a mother now!! Sooooo unbelievable. Hehehe =)

So everybadeeehhhh..Damia dah ada partner yawww...

Damia Zahraa is the first baby of GK juniors. Kira Kaklong Damia lah ni. Kohkohkoh!

And tadaaaa.. Introducing to all of you peeps, baby Jasmin Nabila. Comel kan??!! She's a pretty baby I can tell. Farid umpama tidak dapat menerima hakikat sekiranya baby beliau akan lebih cantik daripadanya kelak. Muahahahaha. But seriously, Kakngah Jasmin aka baby Jasmin memang cantik. Terpegun Aunty tengok okay. Kata anak campuran Inggeris kauuu. Hohohoho =)

Owh credit to Deyna  for sharing both pictures in Twitter. She claimed that both are her favourites photos. Dah lah both pictures pon gambar menguap. Cute okay!!

Si Deyna dengan sesuka hatinya telah menggelarkan our juniors iaitu bayi-bayi di atas sebagai, "Miamia" and "Minmin". Sungguh sesuka hati kau kan Dey! Hahaha Dush!!

Okay. Itu saja. Now we are waiting for the next generation of GK Boys.. So..Who's next?! Jeng Jeng Jeng.....

Till then peeps,

1 comment:

Dina Zakaria said...

hallaaa..tomey weh nguapp..