Syukur alhamdulillah. We, all UEM-ians are satisfied with the bonus given by the company. Well, I guess so. More than expected I can tell. And syukur alhamdulillah again, the salary increment for this year is higher than last year. Amin amin amin =)
Kalam Allah tak pernah menipu. Doa siang dan malam tanpa henti dikabulkan. I didn't expect that I would get the bonus sebanyak 5 angka. Sungguh beyond my expectation. Seriously.
Tapi mungkin inilah yang dinamakan rezeki baby. Bonus yang dapat memang sangat cukup to buy all those listed items like stroller, breastpump, duit bersalin, baby stuffs etc.
Tapi takkan nak abeskan semua kan. Aku still berdoa dan berharap agar aku bersalin normal. Duit yg lebey nnti, bole masuk tabung haji kan. InsyaAllah. But still, me and WF really have to save at least up to 7k for any emergency cases. We wouldn't know what would happen in the future. No?
Mungkin hari ini Allah bagi aku kegembiraan. Mungkin esok atau lusa, Dia tarik semula kegembiraan yang aku rasa hari ni. Atau mungkin aku sudah melalui banyak keperitan before. Maka hari ini Allah hadiahkan aku kegembiraan yang sgt speechless utk aku dan suami :')
Aku harap dan doa agar kegembiraan dan limpahan rezeki yang ada semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari. InsyaAllah.
Some things are really meant to harden our life. It is just a matter of to see if either we are strong enough to go through it or not. Hence, always kneel to Allah! InsyaAllah we can stand up for anything =)
Gambar diambil while waiting for husband to fetch me up after working hours =)
Big hugs,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
syukur jugak ngn bonus this year..xde laa cecah 5 angka..xpe tahun depan masih ada..hihi
takpe. janji dapat. rezeki rafique tu beb. hoho
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