Sometimes some things are meant to harden your life, to see if you're strong enough to go through it or not. No matter what you're going through, just face it. Easy kan! HAHA. I always said to myself, never run from my problems! I live to win it. That's what I live my life for.
Life is not about waiting the good things but I have to make that good things. We have to make the good things. And I realize that being a preggy mommy has turned me to be a better Muslimah everyday. Alhamdulillah.
Same goes to my husband. I guess, WF has changed a lot since we got married. Thank you Allah. I hope he's changed for good. InsyaAllah. Mungkin orang taktau. Biar aku je yang tau. Sebab aku je yang mengadap muka dia hari-hari. Aku yang hidup dengan dia siang dan malam. So I won't give a damn to what people gonna say about us. And trust me. The one who kneels to Allah can always stand up to anything, remember?
Eh. Apakah rezeki terbabit tu AJ? Haaaa. Jeng Jeng Jengg..... Will share with you peeps on the next entry. Kasik suspen sket. Daaaa~
hoiii..gedik laah.penat dah tunggu ape mende rezeki nihh...cepat citer skrg!!
haha bawak bertenang. nnti aku update. bagi aku setel dulu segala. hehe. ym ah senang. haha
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